Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To Tell the Truth...

"A person is born with an axe in his mouth. He whose speech is unwholesome cuts himself with an axe."

Those are the words of the Buddha when it comes to lying.

Now, what exactly does the Buddha mean about cutting ourselves? Think of it like this - what we decide to say about other people is often true of ourselves...often times the reason we noticed it in the first place.

When we stop criticizing others, as well as ourselves, we will find just how much energy we free up. Humanity wastes way too much time and energy into picking apart and putting down each other.

However, the reverse is true, as well. When we say we love something, and truly, sincerely mean it, we bring more love into the world.

Sure, Buddhism knows that mere words can't describe the truth that we are...but we can always find our Middle Way within silence and speech.

What does that mean?

It means knowing what TO say and what NOT to say.

So, the next time we find ourselves ready to talk about someone at work, or the guy down the block, or spread the most recent gossip we've learned, think about how much energy you're putting it into your criticism or ragging, and put it into spreading love instead, whether it be by saying something nice you truly sincerely mean, or knowing that it is best not to say anything at all.

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